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A free opportunity to learn vaccine outreach

You know that conversation you don’t want to have—the one about vaccines with the family member, neighbor, colleague, or patient who is all mixed up about what to believe about vaccines?

Fear no longer. By taking our online course, you will be the messenger who can:

  • build trust authentically
  • assess what is really causing concern
  • get buy-in to reconsider vaccine fears
  • start and keep an open line of communication
  • build vaccine confidence in your personal network

Easy, for free, and without a big time commitment!

Why would you enroll in this vaccine course?

There are plenty of reasons to avoid taking this course, including that once you take it, you will probably be expected to have vaccine conversations with people.

What is your excuse?

I’m a doctor and know stuff

You know that feeling you get when a patient refuses vaccines and you dread what comes next? Take this course. We have made remembering how to implement motivational interviewing easier.

I argue all the time with people about vaccines

Fantastic. That might even work sometimes, but when it comes to being a trusted messenger, arguing isn’t the only method. Take the course, and add a tool to your tool belt.

I work on building confidence in more than just vaccines

Excellent! This course can work for many interventions, especially other health interventions. Teachers, coaches, boss people, religious leaders, and others may find many benefits beyond building vaccine confidence.

I don’t have the time

This course isn’t timed. Take a day, take a year, take ten years. We will be here!

I don’t know a lot about vaccines

You may want to take The Vaccine Quest first!

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