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Clint Johnson, a white man with a salt-and-pepper beard and glasses

Autism, Parenting, and Anti-Vaccine Myths

My son was diagnosed with autism at age three. I soon found myself falling down the conspiracy rabbit hole. 

Ep. 72: Vaccine Communication Breakdown

In this episode, we break down vaccine communication, from the days of "Let the Science Speak for Itself" to the political partisanship of the pandemic.…

Silhouetted man in front of sunset and mountains.

Ep. 71: The Real Truth About Vaccines

Lately, Twitter has become a cesspool of the worst humans spreading the worst misinformation. Except for one bright spot: The Real Truther. We invited The…

#ActuallyAutistic Person Speaks on Vaccines

This is hard to write. How do you write to someone who despises your very existence and yet has never met you? Someone who would…

Dear Fellow Parent (An Open Letter About Autism)

I don’t want to label you an “anti-vaxxer.” That term has so many negative associations, and there is a lot more to you than that…

Autism! Omnibus! Vaccines! Conspiracy!

Lately, I have noticed how anti-vaccine activists are using the law to shape how we are all talking about vaccines. Sometimes they file lawsuits, sometimes…

Dr. Hotez talks about Vaccines and Rachel’s Autism

Is there wiggle room about the idea that vaccines do not cause autism? Is it possible that sometimes in some particularly vulnerable children that vaccines…

Autism’s Professor Harold Hill

It's hard to talk about vaccines or autism without mentioning the sometime gastroenterologist, Andrew Wakefield. Almost everyone has at least a passing familiarity with Wakefield,…

I Vaccinate My Kids Because I Wish My Parents Had Vaccinated Me

My name is Grace. I was raised in a cult. There are a lot of things wrong with being raised in a cult— religious brainwashing,…

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