Getting with the Schedule: Slow-Vax to Pro-Vax
I am the mother of a two-year-old girl and a nine-month-old girl. My pregnancy with my youngest was unexpected and filled with worry. I nearly…
Science is Real
Of all the criticisms lobbed at me after I "came out" as pro-vaccine, by far my favorite is that I'm in the pocket of Big…
Learning Lessons from Measles
April, 1961 in Baltimore, I went to play with my younger cousin Leon while my mother shopped nearby for birthday party hats, balloons, and other…
A Science-Based View
Today, instead of watching Jenny McCarthy make her debut on The View, I will be getting my annual influenza vaccine. As a registered nurse, I…
Making the hard choice to protect
My son, H, had his 12 month well visit one Friday where he received the pneumonia, MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), and Hepatitis A vaccinations.…
Anna’s Voice
I'm a twenty-one-year-old living with autism.  I was born this way. My autism was not a result of vaccines. I am who I am, and I'm…
Mindful Parenting
Folic acid supplements: $30 Soft Structured Baby Carrier: $110 Organic cotton coming-home-from-the-hospital baby gown: $25 Cloth diaper covers and prefolds starter pack: $200 So many…
Advocating for Benjamin
It might seem like a simple thing to most people. You bring your child to the pediatrician, he or she say it’s time to get…
Introducing the Parent Advisory Board
Update: This blog post was written in 2013, to see the latest members of our staff, scientific advisory board, and family and community advisory board,…
Why I’m Telling my Vaccine Story, Pt. II
A recent study in Pediatrics looked at the rates of religious exemptions for immunization in New York state, and then looked at pertussis (whooping cough) rates across…