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How Effective Are Childhood Vaccines?

Modern vaccines are very effective. But nothing is 100% effective. As people know, children can – sadly – be harmed in a car accident even…

Building on Momentum

August is National Immunization Awareness Month, and we hope your social media feeds have been inundated with vaccine talk. But we need to remember that…

Emerging from the Herd

I was raised in a family where it was traditional to challenge authority and the status quo, to buck trends and conventions, and to always…

How My Four-Year-Old Became Pro-Vaccine

It was 1998, and the chickenpox vaccine was just coming out. At that time–the chickenpox vaccine became available in 1995—my daughter was four and completely…

Why I Keep Posting

Or: Confessions of a Broken Record I post about two things on social media - science fiction and vaccines. The first, because I love it. …

I Vaccinate My Kids Because I Wish My Parents Had Vaccinated Me

My name is Grace. I was raised in a cult. There are a lot of things wrong with being raised in a cult— religious brainwashing,…

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