Even in a Pandemic, We Cannot Forget the Importance of Routine Immunization
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re focused on this one, novel infection. It’s almost as if time has stopped and we’ve forgotten about…
Ep. 39: Coronavirus and the Cerveza for Disease Control
No vaccine for coronavirus exists (yet?), but learning about this newest emerging disease and watching how the epidemic is handled can teach us a lot…
A Pharmacist on the Value of Vaccines
Ever since I was a child, I hated needles. I think many people would say the same thing. Even as I went through pharmacy school…
Ep. 37: Madi Survived Influenza, Barely
Shelle Allen's healthy, happy daughter, Madi, was 12 years old when she asked to be picked up from a birthday party. After a day, she…
Seriously, It’s Not Too Late to Get a Flu Shot
I've always felt that National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW, which is this week, falls strangely late in the year. The CDC advised everyone get their…
What You Need to Know About Flu
Every year, I post on social media asking who among my friends needs to be pestered to get a flu shot. And every year, some…
An Alarm Bell You Cannot Wait On
A few weeks ago my five-month-old, Lucian, started showing symptoms of teething: mild fever, fussiness, not sleeping as well, and a small decrease in milk…
Everything You Want to Know About Influenza
Well, maybe not everything. But a lot! If the Voices for Vaccines Facebook page is a gauge, this flu season is seeing the circulation of…
Protection Begins Before Birth
I remember during my second pregnancy seeing an ad informing me that I could pass along whooping cough to my baby. At the time, I…
What’s up with All These Outbreaks?
A few months ago, I came across an article claiming that we can blame the anti-vaccine movement for the mumps cases popping up in college…