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A Horrible Cough and My Vaccination Education

I guess it all started with my fascination with herbal medicine and other alternative healing practices. I had a very nice and sizeable herbal remedy…

Birth of the Vaccine Mom

With the birth of my daughter came the mom’s group—a place where first-time mothers can go in sweatpants, baby in tow, and not feel guilty…

My Friend Al: An HPV Story

When he turned sixty, my friend Al went for his yearly physical and mentioned to the attending physician that he had a small lump on…

I Survived What Was Supposed to Kill Me

A few years before my diagnosis, I had seen many doctors for irregular bleeding and cramping. Sometimes my paps would come back abnormal and doctors…

Vaccine Injury Stories: the Sacred Cows of the Internet?

Real vaccine injuries are recorded. You or your doctor can report the injury and if it’s serious, so begins a public health investigation. They are not overlooked.  They are not covered up.  If anything, they are sought after. Vaccine safety is taken extremely seriously by vaccine manufacturers and the medical establishment which includes doctors, nurses, the government, and public health professionals. Even researchers look for vaccine injury reports: sometimes they are written up in the medical literature as  a case study.
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