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October 12, 2023

Are adjuvants and preservatives in vaccines safe?

Claims about the dangers of vaccine adjuvants and preservatives, like aluminum and thimerosal, are based on debunked conspiracy theories, while extensive studies confirm their safety and efficacy.

August 3, 2023

Does race change vaccine risk factors?

RFK Jr.’s claims about vaccines and autism, based on a flawed re-analysis of CDC data, are scientifically unsupported and highlight the pitfalls of data misinterpretation.

July 20, 2023

Are there any autistic Amish people?

Despite varying vaccination rates among Amish communities, autism is present, debunking the myth that vaccines cause autism and that the Amish do not have autism.

May 25, 2023

First year outcomes

An anti-vaccine cardiologist’s article claiming better health outcomes for unvaccinated children is based on a biased study with flawed methods and lacks credible evidence.

May 18, 2023

The autism and vaccines myth resurfaces

Misinformation falsely linking vaccines to autism persists, despite extensive research showing no connection, particularly with thimerosal, which was removed from childhood vaccines in 2001.

December 1, 2022

Let’s talk about autism

Vaccines do not cause autism; rising autism diagnosis rates are due to various factors like changes in diagnostic criteria and increased awareness.

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