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March 28, 2024

Did vaccines give Princess Kate turbo cancer?

Claims that COVID vaccines cause “turbo cancer” in Princess Kate are baseless. No evidence links vaccines to cancer, and mRNA vaccines can’t alter DNA.

March 21, 2024

How many COVID boosters are too many?

Claims that multiple COVID boosters cause severe health issues are misleading. Vaccination benefits outweigh the rare risks of adverse events.

March 14, 2024

Are vaccines placebo tested?

Claims that vaccines are not placebo tested are false. Many vaccines undergo saline-placebo trials, and the use of active controls is guided by ethical standards.

March 14, 2024

Are COVID vaccines deadly?

Claims that COVID vaccines have killed 10 million people and unvaccinated children are healthier are false. Data used to support these claims is unreliable and misinterpreted.

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