Are thousands of vaccine injuries being ignored?
Claims of ignored vaccine injuries misinterpret data. COVID vaccines are extensively monitored and save millions of lives, despite rare side effects.
We debunk the latest vaccine misinformation each week in our Just the Facts: Correcting this week’s disinformation newsletter. Browse the other Just the Facts Newsletter Topics by clicking the link below:
Claims of ignored vaccine injuries misinterpret data. COVID vaccines are extensively monitored and save millions of lives, despite rare side effects.
Claims that COVID vaccines cause blood clots, cancer, and infertility are false. mRNA vaccines are safe and do not pose these risks, unlike COVID itself.
A video claims a host was left speechless by anti-vaccine arguments. In reality, the video uses the Gish Gallop tactic, and the claims are misleading or false.
Claims linking COVID vaccines to pertussis rise and immune system damage are false. VAIDS is not real; vaccines do not weaken the immune system.
Claims that vaccine-induced myocarditis causes death are unproven. Studies show no significant link, but rare events like myocarditis need large sample sizes for detection.
An investigation in Italy involves doctors’ failure to document and treat a rare blood clot in an 18-year-old after an AstraZeneca vaccine.
Claims that COVID vaccines cause seizures in young children are misleading. Studies show a higher risk of febrile seizures from COVID infection than from vaccination.
Claims that COVID vaccines increase death risk are false. Scientific studies show no higher risk of death from non-COVID causes after vaccination.
Claims that COVID vaccines cause “turbo cancer” in Princess Kate are baseless. No evidence links vaccines to cancer, and mRNA vaccines can’t alter DNA.
Claims that multiple COVID boosters cause severe health issues are misleading. Vaccination benefits outweigh the rare risks of adverse events.