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October 19, 2023

Is everyone having an autoimmune reaction?

One cardiologist claims that because mRNA produces a “foreign protein” on the surface of human cells, all vaccinated people are injured due to “auto-immunity.”

October 12, 2023

Do COVID vaccines contain fetal cells?

A Project Veritas video falsely claims that COVID vaccines are made from aborted fetal cells, but only the viral vector vaccine uses cell lines from the 60s, while mRNA vaccines do not.

October 5, 2023

Do all vaccinated people have heart damage?

A tech millionaire falsely claims all vaccinated people have heart damage, but a study showed minor heart muscle activity post-vaccination without evidence of severe heart problems.

September 28, 2023

Do COVID vaccines do all that?

Claims that COVID vaccines cause diseases like heart and neurological issues are unsubstantiated, while evidence shows the vaccines’ benefits outweigh the risks.

September 14, 2023

Are lockdowns on their way back?

Claims that lockdowns will return are misinformation; with vaccines and masks available, lockdowns are unnecessary.

August 31, 2023

Do COVID vaccines cause cancer?

There is no evidence that COVID vaccines cause cancer, and the claim that they contain the SV40 virus is unsupported by scientific evidence.

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