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September 12, 2024

Is the childhood vaccination schedule evil?

Explore the truth behind Bret Weinstein’s conspiracy claims about the childhood vaccination schedule, and learn why vaccines are proven safe and essential for public health.

August 1, 2024

Did CDC hide proof that MMR causes autism?

The claim that the CDC hid proof of an MMR-autism link is false; the email discusses refining data analysis methods, not manipulating findings, and extensive research shows vaccines do not cause autism.

June 6, 2024

Do vaccines cause autism?

Dr. Pierre Korry falsely links COVID vaccines to autism. No evidence supports this; rising autism rates are due to improved diagnosis and awareness.

February 8, 2024

Do vaccines give us metallic brains?

Vaccines don’t cross the blood-brain barrier. Aluminum in vaccines is safely metabolized and doesn’t cause autism or autoimmune diseases.

January 9, 2024

Are birth shots safe for newborns?

Claims that Vitamin K and Hepatitis B vaccines cause harm in newborns are false. These vaccines are safe and prevent serious health issues like hemorrhage and liver disease.

October 12, 2023

Are adjuvants and preservatives in vaccines safe?

Claims about the dangers of vaccine adjuvants and preservatives, like aluminum and thimerosal, are based on debunked conspiracy theories, while extensive studies confirm their safety and efficacy.

October 12, 2023

Do COVID vaccines contain fetal cells?

A Project Veritas video falsely claims that COVID vaccines are made from aborted fetal cells, but only the viral vector vaccine uses cell lines from the 60s, while mRNA vaccines do not.

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