What happened to Alexis Lorenze?
Did vaccines worsen Alexis Lorenze’s condition, PNH? Viral claims clash with evidence showing existing health issues and a parvovirus infection. Learn more.
We debunk the latest vaccine misinformation each week in our Just the Facts: Correcting this week’s disinformation newsletter. Browse the other Just the Facts Newsletter Topics by clicking the link below:
Did vaccines worsen Alexis Lorenze’s condition, PNH? Viral claims clash with evidence showing existing health issues and a parvovirus infection. Learn more.
Do COVID vaccines cause cancer? Myths misuse science, but no evidence links vaccines to cancer. mRNA vaccines can’t alter DNA. Discover the facts.
Do COVID vaccines wipe out antibodies? No, vaccines strengthen the immune system and don’t affect your ability to donate plasma or fight infections, contrary to anti-vaccine claims.
Do HPV vaccines cause cancer? We debunk claims by Dr. Pierre Kory, explaining how the HPV vaccine prevents cancer and why it can’t cause HPV infections or increase cancer risk.
Were polio vaccines properly tested? We break down Aaron Siri’s claims about IPV safety, production methods, and effectiveness, revealing the science behind vaccine testing and safety.
Are vaccines designed to harm? Decades of research prove vaccines save lives, prevent diseases like measles and smallpox, and do not cause cancer or alter DNA.
Do COVID vaccines increase cancer risk? No scientific evidence supports claims that COVID vaccines cause cancer or alter DNA, debunking the “turbo cancer” myth.
Does vaccine shedding cause menstrual abnormalities? Anti-vaxxers cite a flawed study with no scientific basis, using self-reported data and no proper control group.
Is tetanus still a risk? Learn the truth about tetanus vaccines, declining case rates, global impact, and why staying vaccinated matters for public health.
Debunk the myth: Is the CDC recommending 200 vaccines? Discover the facts about vaccine schedules, public health, and scientific advancements.