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August 8, 2024

Were vaccines tested against placebos?

Vaccines are sometimes tested against other vaccines or adjuvants instead of saline placebos to protect participants’ health when an effective vaccine is already available.

August 8, 2024

Did the pandemic prove that vaccines are dangerous?

Joe Rogan’s skepticism about vaccines, fueled by pandemic-related conspiracy theories, highlights how belief in one conspiracy can lead to acceptance of others, despite overwhelming evidence of vaccine safety and efficacy.

August 1, 2024

Do COVID increase all-death mortality?

The claim that Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine increases all-cause mortality by over 50% compared to Pfizer’s is misleading, as it neglects to compare vaccinated individuals to unvaccinated ones, where data shows higher mortality in the unvaccinated group.

August 1, 2024

Did CDC hide proof that MMR causes autism?

The claim that the CDC hid proof of an MMR-autism link is false; the email discusses refining data analysis methods, not manipulating findings, and extensive research shows vaccines do not cause autism.

August 1, 2024

Do vaccines violate the Nuremberg Code?

The claim that vaccines violate the Nuremberg Code is false; U.S. regulations ensure informed consent in research, including for Emergency Use Authorization vaccines, and recent updates clarify ethical guidelines for minimal-risk studies.

July 25, 2024

Do COVID vaccines cause heart failure?

A single case study can’t prove COVID vaccines cause fatal heart failure, especially with limitations and the patient’s stable recovery; COVID itself can cause heart issues.

July 25, 2024

How big are childhood vaccines?

Childhood vaccines are tiny, often just 0.5mL per dose, and claims of 38 vaccines in one shot are false; children receive fewer antigens today than 30 years ago.

July 25, 2024

How significant were medical visits after vaccination?

V-SAFE data shows fewer than 1% sought medical care within a week post-vaccination, but this includes any type of medical care, minor issues and precautionary visits, and doesn’t establish causality with the vaccine.

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