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Did the CDC hide mRNA vaccine side effects?

The Claim:

A new clip of Chris Cuomo’s interview with former CDC director Dr. Redfield makes a lot of stunning new claims that the CDC purportedly hid. Included among those claims is that once mRNA instructs your body to start making spike proteins, it is impossible to tell how many and for how long they will make them. Furthermore, he claims that the spike protein is immunotoxic and that vaccines cause long COVID.

The Facts:

Claim 1: The CDC stopped tracking vaccinated people. Redfield was CDC director from 2018-2021. And here in 2021, the CDC was tracking breakthrough infections – by definition, vaccinated people who got COVID.

Claim 2: That when he was the chief public health advisor in Maryland, that two thirds of the people that Ihe was seeing infected with COVID had been vaccinated. Sure, but given that 92% of people in Maryland has received at least one vaccine, and 80% of Maryland has been fully vaccinated, those are pretty good statistics for getting vaccinated.

Claim 3: He says that there is no way to know how long you make spike protein, but you can only make spike protein so long as you have the instructions for making spike protein in your body, and that comes from mRNA. One great thing about using mRNA in these vaccines is that mRNA degrades very quickly, generally within days. The spike protein stimulates immunity and will be neutralized by the immune system. But it will generally be produced for only a few days.

According to a study looking at the benefits of the vaccination campaigns, in the time between April 2021 and March 2022, COVID the vaccination campaign resulted in 2,576,133 fewer mild COVID-19 cases, 243,979 fewer nonfatal COVID-19 hospitalizations, and 51,675 lives saved from COVID-19 with net benefits of approximately $732 billion.

While side effects do happen, the risks of COVID vaccines are far fewer than the risks of COVID infection, with severe side effects from the COVID vaccines being extremely rare.

Disclaimer: Science is always evolving and our understanding of these topics may have evolved since this was originally posted. Browse the latest information posted in Just the Facts Topics.

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