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Did the FDA fail to disclose a toxin in COVID-19 vaccines?

The Claim:

A tweeter claims the FDA had secret documents showing that COVID-19 vaccines contain toxic graphene oxide.

The Facts:

This claim is not true; our tweeter fails to understand both the purpose of the “secret” document and the vaccine manufacturing process.

The document cited by this tweet is a paper studying the structure of the vaccine’s spike protein under an electron microscope. It does not detail the manufacturing process of the vaccine.

Further, even if this document studied the vaccine’s manufacturing process (it doesn’t), our tweeter fails to understand that process. Just because an element is used in the manufacturing process does not mean that element is present in the vaccine. This distinction between manufacturing elements and vaccine elements is important to understand. However, we also want to point out that graphene oxide isn’t even used in the COVID vaccine manufacturing process.

Disclaimer: Science is always evolving and our understanding of these topics may have evolved since this was originally posted. Browse the latest information posted in Just the Facts Topics.

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