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Did vaccines injure Alexis Lorenze?

The Claim:

A viral video, Alexis claims that after receiving three vaccines for meningitis, pneumonia, and tetanus, she experienced a severe reaction, including swelling and pain, which she believes worsened her condition, Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH).

The Facts:

Alexis has a rare condition called Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH), where her immune system attacks her red blood cells, causing them to burst. This can lead to serious issues like blood clots and liver failure. According to her TikToks and medical records, Alexis had been feeling sick for weeks before finally going to the hospital. She claims that doctors wouldn’t treat her unless she got certain vaccines. So why would doctors insist she get vaccinated in her condition?

Because PNH treatment can greatly increase the risk of serious infections, it’s standard medical practice to give vaccines for diseases like meningococcal and pneumococcal before starting treatment.

Alexis believes that a rash that appeared within 10 minutes of receiving the vaccines proves the vaccines caused her injuries. However, it’s unlikely that a vaccine could cause a reaction that quickly. A more probable explanation is the parvovirus B19 infection she tested positive for, as this virus has been known to cause similar symptoms. Additionally, her lab results show she was already experiencing blood clotting problems, which could explain the bruising she developed.

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