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Do COVID vaccines harm your immune system?

The Claim:

This computer guy seems to think so, tweeting a study that makes some claims about the vaccine hurting children’s immune systems.

The Facts:

Exploratory studies like this are done to collect facts and decide what questions to investigate in the future. It’s not meant to make firm statements about what causes something or to apply the results to everyone.

This study involves a very small group of participants: only 29 children. It offers no comparison group of unvaccinated children, and the study doesn’t mention whether the children experienced any illnesses or were exposed to other factors during the test period. Additionally, many of the study participants had a family history of allergies or atopic diseases. As a result, the findings cannot be applied to the general public. Therefore, it is not possible to conclude that the COVID vaccine harms a person’s immune system, as has been suggested..

In fact, a statement from the authors of the study from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute has further come out against such statements saying “Any suggestion that our exploratory study implies that COVID-19 vaccines cause a harmful suppression of children’s immune system is a naïve and misguided oversimplification of our findings, and ignores other studies that do not support this concept.”

Disclaimer: Science is always evolving and our understanding of these topics may have evolved since this was originally posted. Browse the latest information posted in Just the Facts Topics.

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