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How many people died after vaccination against COVID?

The Claim:

One video claims that over half a million people in the U.S. have died because of COVID vaccines.

The Facts:

VAERS is a passive adverse event reporting data system, meaning anyone can report a suspected adverse reaction or event following a vaccine. It is also important to note that it is required to report any serious adverse event, including death “regardless of causality,” to VAERS following a COVID vaccine. This means any event, even those specifically not caused by the vaccine, will still be reported to VAERS.

It is required to report any deaths soon after vaccination, even if there’s no suspicion it was caused by a vaccine. Using raw VAERS data to figure out the number of deaths due to vaccine and multiplying that number by 30 due to an unsourced belief in underreporting, you will end up with a death rate orders of magnitude too high.

Disclaimer: Science is always evolving and our understanding of these topics may have evolved since this was originally posted. Browse the latest information posted in Just the Facts Topics.

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