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How significant were medical visits after vaccination?

The Claim:

In a video of a congressional hearing, lawyer Aaron Siri claims the government’s V-SAFEdata showed that 7.7% of participants needed medical care, often emergency or urgent care, after  COVID vaccination.

The Facts:

V-SAFE is designed to monitor safety and collect a wide range of health impact data, providing a comprehensive look at post-vaccination health. It collects data on any health events after vaccination, regardless of whether they are related to the vaccine. It’s not solely focused on severe adverse events and does not establish causality. The reported medical visits could be coincidental and not caused by the vaccine.

The 7.7% figure includes any type of medical care, not just serious cases requiring hospitalization. These could encompass minor issues and precautionary visits.

Published analyses of V-SAFE data have shown that fewer than 1% of participants reported receiving medical care in the first week after vaccination, and only a very small proportion reported serious outcomes like hospitalization.

Disclaimer: Science is always evolving and our understanding of these topics may have evolved since this was originally posted. Browse the latest information posted in Just the Facts Topics.

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