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Is the COVID vaccine everywhere in my body forever?

The Claim:

A physician who falsely claims he invented mRNA vaccines is now claiming that the COVID vaccine is not safe and effective because it spreads throughout your body and stays there for a long time.

The Facts:

These concerns about mRNA in our bodies is taken completely out of proportion. Study after study shows that the mRNA COVID vaccines are safe and effective, and just because tiny amounts of mRNA may persist in the body (the vast majority usually degrades within days), doesn’t mean the vaccines are not safe nor effective. We have give billions of doses to humans, and we know they are safe and effective.

As for testing for transmission, there was no lie. No vaccine manufacturer or study ever claimed they studied rates of transmission because that is not something they tested for. Vaccines were tested and approved based on data for safety and efficacy: did they prevent disease, and are they safe? Preventing transmission is a happy unintended benefit and is often estimated after the vaccine is licensed and is not something that approvals depend on.

This study shows that even when infected with COVID, those who are fully vaccinated were contagious for about half as long and infected far fewer people (almost a quarter fewer) than those who were partially vaccinated or unvaccinated. And this newer study supports the idea that vaccinated people are less likely to transmit COVID.

Disclaimer: Science is always evolving and our understanding of these topics may have evolved since this was originally posted. Browse the latest information posted in Just the Facts Topics.

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