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Is the HPV vaccine an agent of depopulation?

The Claim:

One guy on Twitter is claiming that the HPV vaccine is dangerous, causing infertility on purpose as a way to depopulate the planet for some reason. Instead, he recommends a good diet, rest, exercise, and drinking water.

The Facts:

While a good diet, rest, exercise, and staying hydrated are good for your health, they do not help you build immunity to HPV, the major cause of 7 types of cancer, many of which can affect fertility themselves.

Much large-scale research on the effects of HPV vaccines on fertility issues have been done, and they show that the vaccine is not associated with ovarian failure, and may be associated with improved fertility for some women.

A compelling Swedish study of 1.7 million women demonstrates an almost 90% reduction in cervical cancer rates in the vaccinated population versus the unvaccinated population.

Disclaimer: Science is always evolving and our understanding of these topics may have evolved since this was originally posted. Browse the latest information posted in Just the Facts Topics.

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