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Should we promote other public health measures?

The Claim:

RFK Jr., as part of a monologue against the World Health Organization, asserts that nutrition, sanitation, clean water, and access to healthcare are more important than vaccination.

The Facts:

Sanitation is a huge component of public health. Over 2.2 billion people around the globe are sickened annually, with over 1.5 deaths, of which over 500,000 are in children under 5, from diarrheal disease, most of which could have been prevented with sanitation measures.

According to the USDA, food insecurity is associated with chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Providing access to clean water, sanitary systems, and nutrition across the globe would be a major benefit to us all.

But there are many diseases that nutrition, sanitation, and clean water cannot prevent. Two significant causes of death in children worldwide, rotavirus, a diarrheal disease, and pneumonia are both thought to be spread through the air. And both can be prevented or mitigated through vaccination. 30 million deaths from measles, also airborne, have been prevented in 20 years of immunization.

It is not a matter of vaccines or nutrition and sanitation; vaccines are an integral part of public health, and together, all these interventions lead to a healthier population.

Disclaimer: Science is always evolving and our understanding of these topics may have evolved since this was originally posted. Browse the latest information posted in Just the Facts Topics.

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