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    Correcting this week’s misinformation: week of October 3, 2024

    Are COVID vaccines criminal?

    The Claim:

    video featuring Dr. Robert Malone argues that COVID vaccines cause more harm than good, particularly for the young and healthy, fail to prevent infection, and are linked to widespread injuries and deaths, calling for criminal charges against pharmaceutical companies and government agencies for fraud, wrongful advertising, and mass negligent homicide.

    The Facts:

    In a recent retrospective study of over 1 million people, fully vaccinated people were found to have a lower risk of health problems like major heart diseases and dying from any cause compared to those who were not vaccinated.

    Additionally, COVID vaccines are neither gene therapy nor experimental. They were thoroughly tested in large studies and do not change your DNA but instead teach your body how to fight the virus without giving you the illness.

    We also know you can only make spike protein so long as you have the instructions for making spike protein in your body, and that comes from mRNA. One great thing about using mRNA in these vaccines is that mRNA degrades very quickly, generally within days. The spike protein stimulates immunity and will be neutralized by the immune system. But it will generally be produced for only a few days.

    That the COVID vaccines were not tested for transmission is not news, nor is it something that was kept under wraps. The FDA authorization for the EUA back in Dec 2020 spelled out that “At this time, data are not available to make a determination about how long the vaccine will provide protection, nor is there evidence that the vaccine prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from person to person.” But we did know that it would provide protection from hospitalization and death.

    This study shows that even when infected with COVID, those who are fully vaccinated were contagious for about half as long and infected far fewer people (almost a quarter fewer) than those who were partially vaccinated or unvaccinated. And these newer studies support the idea that vaccinated people are less likely to transmit COVID.

    In summary, there is no fraud, wrongful advertising, or mass negligent homicide to prosecute. No, COVID vaccines are not criminal. The overblown rhetoric is meant to inspire anger and not thought.

    This topic comes up a lot. See the most recent false and misleading claims about COVID vaccines and mRNA we have debunked.

    Was RSV dangerous for senior before the vaccine?

    The Claim:

    tweet from Dr. Mary Talley Bowden suggests the dangers of RSV for seniors were invented to sell a vaccine.

    The Facts:

    In general, we like to use recent studies to highlight the latest science, but to make this case, we have to take a trip back in time.

    Travel with us to 2013, where researchers discussed mortality, including mortality in hospitalized adult RSV patients. The study concludes that respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) can lead to significant health complications in hospitalized adults, especially older adults and those with pre-existing conditions.

    Let’s go further back to 2000, when researchers looked at RSV in adults, including the risks of pneumonia and death, especially in adult living facilities. This study concluded that “Certain groups of adults would benefit from the development of effective new antivirals and vaccines for the treatment and prevention of RSV infection.” A vaccine was just a twinkle of an idea then.

    Still too recent for you? Let’s try 1988. This study found RSV infection in 11 immunocompromised adults (ages 21-50), causing symptoms like fever, cough, and nasal congestion, and led to the death of 4 patients, especially those with bone marrow transplants, highlighting the need to consider RSV in similar cases.

    Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, an ENT and sleep specialist, is the founder for Americans for Health Freedom, an organization with a history of being contrarian to medical science and of being wrong.

    Did vaccines cause a measles outbreak in Maine?

    The Claim:

    headline from Del Bigtree’s anti-vaccine organization claims that an outbreak of measles in Maine was “vaccine-induced all along.”

    The Facts:

    This is the first time we agree with an anti-vax headline talking about the measles “outbreak,” specifically with an outbreak in quotes. We agree because this was NOT an outbreak of measles.

    In fact, there wasn’t even a case of measles. What this was was a rash, which is a known side effect of the MMR vaccine. This rash can occur in about 5% of the children who get the MMR, typically after about 7-10 days, and is not a sign of illness or contagious, even though they might test positive for measles at first.

    The CDC didn’t hide anything, as there was nothing to hide. The child just didn’t have measles, but simply had a known and uncomplicated reaction. Reading this event any other way is cynical, seeing public health agencies as nefarious organizations trying to trick people. But they gained nothing from this news story.

    Disclaimer: Science is always evolving and our understanding of these topics may have evolved too since this was originally posted. Be sure to check out our most recent posts and browse the latest Just the Facts Topics for the latest.

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