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Let’s talk about autism

Vaccines do not cause autism; rising autism diagnosis rates are due to various factors like changes in diagnostic criteria and increased awareness.


Autism is a neurodevelopmental difference that affects how autistic people experience the world around them. Autistic people are an important part of the world. Autism is a normal neurological variation.

Autism! Omnibus! Vaccines! Conspiracy!

Autism! Omnibus! Vaccines! Conspiracy!

Lately, I have noticed how anti-vaccine activists are using the law to shape how we are all talking about vaccines. Sometimes they file lawsuits, sometimes they fight legislation, and sometimes…

Autism’s Professor Harold Hill

Autism’s Professor Harold Hill

It's hard to talk about vaccines or autism without mentioning the sometime gastroenterologist, Andrew Wakefield. Almost everyone has at least a passing familiarity with Wakefield, even if it is just…

MMR and Autism: Our Story

MMR and Autism: Our Story

This is a story like ones that thousands upon thousands of mothers with autistic children could tell about what happened when their child had the MMR vaccine. It is one…

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