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Ep. 46: Tracking the Anti-Vaccine Movement

Ep. 46: Tracking the Anti-Vaccine Movement

The anti-vaccine movement is as old as vaccines, but the modern movement began with concerns about the whole-cell pertussis vaccine and seizures. It famously later morphed into the primary purveyor…

A Horrible Cough and My Vaccination Education

A Horrible Cough and My Vaccination Education

I guess it all started with my fascination with herbal medicine and other alternative healing practices. I had a very nice and sizeable herbal remedy bookshelf, the pride of which…

Five Years! A Letter of Thanks to You

Five Years! A Letter of Thanks to You

Five years ago, Voices for Vaccines relaunched as a pro-vaccine parent organization. On a personal level, working with Voices for Vaccines these past five years has been an honor and…

The Unvaccinated Children We Love

The Unvaccinated Children We Love

"My sister-in law won't vaccinated my nieces and nephews." "My cousin has been posting anti-vaccine memes on Facebook." "My best friend is convinced her child's autism was caused by vaccines."…

Emerging from the Herd

Emerging from the Herd

I was raised in a family where it was traditional to challenge authority and the status quo, to buck trends and conventions, and to always ask questions. I had friends…

I Used To Be Anti-Vaccine

I Used To Be Anti-Vaccine

I am part of a generation that feels its government has lied to its citizens time and time again. From the rationale and controversial evidence leading to the invasion of Iraq…

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