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I Grew Up in an Anti-Vaccine Cult

I Grew Up in an Anti-Vaccine Cult

My parents were brought up listening to the radio broadcasts and reading the literature of the Worldwide Church of God, a cult/fringe religion that was developed from a mishmash of…

How my Son Helped Me Accept Vaccines

How my Son Helped Me Accept Vaccines

I am a parent who did not vaccinate my children when they were young.  I delivered my four children at home.  I have the strongest, healthiest, most beautiful babies.  My…

Why Measles Outbreaks Terrify Me

Why Measles Outbreaks Terrify Me

Measles is running rampant in California. It’s all over the news—and not just local news, national news as well. As a parent of an immunocompromised child, I had, of course,…

Not Just a Harmless Childhood Disease

Not Just a Harmless Childhood Disease

When I was a child, chickenpox was a very common disease. Most children got it, and it didn't seem like a big deal to me. You got some spots that…

A Teen Speaks Up for Vaccines

A Teen Speaks Up for Vaccines

Spreading the word about the benefits of vaccinating children is a personal crusade for my family and me. My mother lost her younger brother to meningitis in 1980, when no…

To Those Opposed to Vaccinations

To Those Opposed to Vaccinations

When I was five, I got whooping cough (pertussis). It was horrible. Aside from nearly dying, I couldn’t stop coughing. I have a vivid memory of whooping so hard I…

I was Duped by the Anti-Vaccine Movement

I was Duped by the Anti-Vaccine Movement

My journey into the anti-vaccination scene began when I became pregnant with my one and only child. It all started when I watched the documentary The Business of Being Born…

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