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Kassidy Peterson

Salt Lake City, Utah
I immunize because I don't want to be sick, and I really don't want to get others sick. I immunize because I believe in the science of vaccination, and I've seen the history that came before my public health heroes started making them. I immunize so I can spend my time educating others on the wonders of vaccine science and safety, rather than spending my time at the doctors office or in the hospital. I immunize so I can stay healthy. I immunize for my immunocompromised best friend who doesn't respond as well to vaccines, so she doesn't have to suffer needlessly from vaccine preventable diseases she is more susceptible to. I immunize because I have an inflammatory disorder that is exacerbated by most pathogens. I immunize my kids so they can stay safe and keep others safe at school. I ensure my family's vaccines are up to date so that we can live the happiest, healthiest lives possible, free of awful diseases we don't have to see anymore thanks to the modern miracles that immunizations are.
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